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Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural

SMSC is about developing the whole child through:

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural activities

SMSC links to the PSHE Curriculum, which has been developed by Jigsaw, to promote positive mental health and wellbeing and support the personal development of our pupils spiritually, morally, socially and culturally.  At Joy Lane Primary School, we are READY, RESPECTFUL and RESPONSIBLE members of society. We firmly believe that spiritual, moral, social, cultural (SMSC) development enriches each curriculum subject.

The RSHE (Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education) and Child Protection and Safeguarding Policies are also relevant to the SMSC curriculum, as well as the school’s plans for supporting pupils’ personal development.

At Joy Lane Primary School, we recognise that the process of development in these four areas and their outcomes are difficult to pinpoint because:

  • Development is not necessarily a smooth, continuous process.
  • Individuals develop at different rates and in different ways and this is not necessarily related to age.
  • Changes in pupils’ development may be imperceptible over short periods of time and measurement is neither standardised nor desirable.
  • All pupils have differing starting points depending on, for example, their life experiences so far and the influences of home, cultural background, personality and peer group.


We recognise that the academic development of pupils of all ages is improved when their personal development (including the spiritual, moral, social and cultural aspects) is fully supported.  Our aspirations form the basis of everything we do: our ethos, our community spirit and our curriculum.  Our aims for development include:

  • Self-awareness and self-knowledge – becoming aware of personal strengths, weaknesses, feelings & identity
  • Sensitivity and responsiveness – reflecting emotions, past and present issues, and moral obligations
  • Inner strength and resilience – responding to challenging experiences and change.
  • Ideals and aspirations – recognising beauty, developing values
  • Love and relationships – developing relationships, valuing self and others, forgiveness and empathy
  • Seeking & striving – through the search for meaning in experiences and aiming to do the right thing
  • Reflection – taking the time to stop and think/question experiences and ideas.


SMSC plays a significant part in children’s ability to learn and achieve. We therefore aim to provide an education that provides pupils with opportunities to explore and develop. Our staff model the importance of being a reflective citizen and excellent SMSC values are threaded through our school ethos and daily life. Through daily discussions, careful planning of vocabulary and questioning, children can explore values and beliefs and the ways in which they impact on people’s lives. Extra-curricular clubs and enriching experiences that promote fundamental British Values are provided throughout the year across all year groups. Opportunities to demonstrate how democracy works is present through all subjects by valuing children’s view and ensuring that all pupils within the school have a voice that is listened to. Democracy is further explored through school council and fair voting processes in school.

SMSC focuses on giving young people the information, skills, experiences and mindset they need to help them develop as informed, respectful and active citizens in society, including but not limited to:

  • British Values
  • Citizenship
  • Religion – Religious Education will be delivered in an inclusive way representing all faiths and religious events throughout the school year. The school will adapt the delivery of Religious Education to celebrate all faiths represented amongst the student community.
  • Cross-cultural literacy

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The school places equal emphasis on the importance of SMSC in the Early Years Foundation Stage. SMSC education is fully integrated within the 7 areas of learning and delivered at an appropriate developmental level through a holistic approach which draws on a range of delivery methods.

SMSC is seen through the general life of the WHOLE SCHOOL in the following ways:

  • School ethos: ‘Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Responsible’ as evidenced through the fostering of relationships based on a fair, caring and consistent approach and mutual respect. Clear expectations, shown by example, through modelling, role play, restorative behaviour policy, evidenced through the ‘feel’ of the School at all times of the day and how we react to different situations – what we say, do (including when things go wrong). See also Behaviour Policy.
  • Inclusion is fundamental to who we are & what we represent. See also SEND Policy.
  • Variety of teaching styles, classroom organisation and Curiosity Approach learning environments to foster a culture of calm, positive self-image, teamwork, self-motivation, questioning & reflection.
  • A carefully developed curriculum which provides a progression in knowledge and skills, time to reflect and the flexibility to respond to the needs of our pupils. See also Curriculum Statement.
  • Through open communications with parents to enhance mutual understanding for the benefit of our pupils.


Through consistent and high-quality teaching of SMSC, our children will:

  • Be thoughtful and children that grow into considerate moral adults that are self-reliant and resilient, leading healthy and happy lives.
  • Be self-motivated, independent and resilient by developing inquiry-based skills that allow them to make mistakes and learn from them.
  • Through deeper learning a reflection of others and different lives, we know that our children will grow to seize opportunities beyond their perceived horizons.
  • Feel that their views are valued.
  • Be confident to reflect and challenge previously held views.
  • Have high level of self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Distinguish right from wrong, accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative.
  • Understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in the locality of the school and to society more widely.
  • Enable students to acquire a broad general knowledge of and respect for public institutions and services in England.
  • Respect for other people and different cultural traditions by enabling students to acquire an appreciation of and respect for their own and other cultures.

Provision for SMSC will be monitored and reviewed on a regular basis. This will be achieved by:

  • All staff will engage with the continued development of SMSC delivery at Joy Lane Primary School.
  • Staff will share classroom work and best practice at weekly staff meetings.
  • The Senior Leadership Team and Subject Leaders will carry out monitoring on SMSC as part of the whole-school monitoring process.